29 March 2011

Baby Wearing

As I travel through this life, I find that many of us "old fashioned" ladies have certain things in common. We stay at home to rear up our children, which often leads to our being home school teachers or very active in our children's education. We dress modestly, which often leads to wearing skirts and/or head coverings. We are called hippies, and some times our minimal reliance on makeup and modern hairstyle (many of us do not cut our hair) gives us that "look". We do things with our own hands: gardening, sewing, knitting, crafting, building, farming (some even do all of the above!). Most of us breastfeed our babies for longer than the 'recommended' 6 months, and we probably sleep with our babies for those midnight feedings. We also prefer to carry our babies.

Now, I realize that all of these categories are done by a new and modern "old fashioned" girl, and it can look very trendy and chic (and get quite expensive). Some of the baby carriers out there are way overpriced, and it seems crazy, to me, that it would cost a fortune to return to the old and respected way of doing things. But I digress.

Just posting today a link to a French lady's photo collection of baby wearing throughout the ages and around the world. Though some of the photos may provoke sad feelings, all of the photos together are quite lovely. Enjoy:

"L'art de porter", from "maternage proximal avec ma Bambina"

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