17 November 2006

What kind of Lady Covers her head?

So who is covering? Here's some recent articles:
  1. From Nigeria, I found this article, "Wrap Around," with a photo, describing the various ways that the Nigerian Muslim women wear their head covering. Opening paragraph: "If there is any group of women that you can easily identify at a glance simply by their mode of dressing then it is our Muslim sisters."
  2. From the Jewish Press, I found a question and answer Rebbetzin who included a letter from a Lady who now chooses to wear a hair covering, in the article: "Give Me A Good Reason". She had these thoughts: ". . . hair is the one part of our body that is not essential to our well being, but connecting to Hashem is critical, and by covering our hair, our connection to Him as well as to our husbands, takes on a new dimension."
  3. From Malaysia, a blog from a dorm mother, who wanted to share a picture of her girls out playing basketball with their heads covered, hijab style, and dressed quite modestly.
  4. From Time Magazine, an article about the new trend for young catholic girls to take the veil - literally. The young Lady mentioned in the introduction "says the decision to wear the traditional black veil is her own. 'I could wear what a typical person my age would wear and blend into the world,' she says. 'But I wanted a constant reminder that every day I put on my veil, I am of God's service and I need to be about his work.'" Also see this article from Time on the same topic.
And all this regardless of what British Politicians, Catholic Cardinals, German Feminists or Egyptian Ministers might say. What does this really say about these Ladies and their choice to cover?

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