04 November 2007


"Living Apart... Together"

Click on the above title to read the article at MSNBC. It's not old-fashioned. It's not a 100% lady, though she's got potential. They're not actually Godly either. Just two happily married people with children, living in the city, who don't live together.

They're real people. And apparently they're not the only ones living this way.

Maybe I'm just "rubber necking", as they call it - turning to look at something and possibly wasting time at it because it's just so unbelievable and yet real.

I cannot actually think of anything to say after reading it, because, thoughtful lady that she was, she pretty much thought of anything that we might be thinking and addressed it in the article: why, how, what were you thinking, what about the kids, your friends, is this selfishness ... ?

And in the words of my beloved little brother, "Hey, I think this milk is going bad. You try it."


Sammybunny said...

that is just beyond strange...

Mrs. Anna T said...

I have read this story on another blog, and I feel that maybe these two people are just trying to avoid the challenges of mundane real life. I'm re-posting my previous comment:

"True, marriage and living under the same roof means compromises - but without them, how can we develop commitment, patience, putting the needs of our spouse ahead of our own? Personally, as someone who is currently at the stage of engagement, I can't imagine having that for a lifetime! I long for the simple harmony of everyday life together. Of washing my husband's socks and serving dinner and cleaning. Of quiet evenings in the kitchen and a common place we call our HOME."