07 June 2008

What I Want to Be

This is so good. I have a feeling our men would think so too. I'm sorry I don't think this way more. Hoping my sorrow will lead to repentance in this regard.

Oh, I must be away - so much to do!

(image from Addison Galleries)

The Blue Bowl

All day long I did the little things,
The little things that do not show;
I brought the kindling for the fire,
I set the candles in a row,
I filled a bowl with marigolds—
The shallow bowl you love the best—
And made the house a pleasant place
Where weariness may take its rest.

The hours sped on, my eager feet
Could not keep pace with my desire.
So much to do! So little time!
I could not let my body tire.
Yet when the coming of the night
Blotted the garden from my sight,
And on the narrow graveled walks
Between the guarding flower stalks
I heard your step, I was not through
With services I meant for you.

You came into the quiet room
That glowed enchanted with the bloom
Of yellow flame. I saw your face;
Illumined by the firelit space,
Slowly grow still and comforted—
“It’s good to be at home,” you said.

~ Blanch Bane Kuder

(found at Ladies Against Feminism - please also find time to read the article at this link)


The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

(is not the writer of Genesis is the master of understatement?)


Butterfly 211 said...

Thank you so much for this post. We are created to be help mates to our husbands. Sometimes I forget that. That we were made to be his other half. Thank you for reminding me. Thank you also for your sweet comments.


Anonymous said...

After taking a brief look at your blog, I decidedly like it!