04 May 2012

The Child You Lose/The Child You Gain � Herding Cats

This should be required reading for everyone who wants to have children, who has children, or who knows someone who has children in their lives. As a matter of fact, it should be required reading for people who have people in their lives.  Because no one is perfect, and no one is exactly what you think they are, and no one is exactly who they could be - they simply are whom they are. And every one of us is beautiful in his own way, to paraphrase an old song. I wish that I could write eloquently and persuasively as I was taught to do and strove to do for many years. But since I can't, I can share with you someone's words who can.

Please read this with open eyes and open ears, and especially with an open heart.

hugs and <3 to Pheobz at Herding Cats  :)

The Child You Lose/The Child You Gain � Herding Cats

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